
Field Kit: The 22/8 Guided-Self Coaching Method

Master your performance with the 22/8 guided-self coaching technique! This method is designed to elevate your energy and motivation, decrease procrastination and stress, and bring balance to your work-life situation. The technique challenges you to dedicate short, intensive work periods free from distractions, balanced with brief breaks for mental rejuvenation. Coupled with self-reflection questions, 22/8 trains your brain for active awareness, the first step in habit development. Download the 22/8 field kit today and embark on your journey towards improved productivity and personal growth.

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It can be used with an Impro performance strategist and as a guided journaling technique.

master your performance with the 22/8 guided-self coaching technique

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Book a call now to explore the transformative power of the 22/8 technique. Begin your productivity revolution today!